Monday, May 23, 2011

Formative Assessment (pages 11-24)

All right...Here is the last discussion for our Formative Assessment Book Study.  I will be opening another post for you to share teacher and students tools from the book and how you make them work in your classroom (for next year).


  1. What are the key ideas?
  2. What 3 things do you want to take away from this section and use in the future?
  3. What was a powerful quote from the section?  Why?
  4. What are the implications for teaching and learning?  What do these ideas suggest for our teaching practices
Respond to each other.

1 comment:

  1. 1. There should be a purpose behind formative assessments in the classroom. Be intentional. Choose a strategy to use and design it specifically to meet your purpose. When designing, anticipate your students' reponses and consider your own responses.
    2. Formative assessmetns are more than just Benchmarks. There are all sorts of strategies and designs which should be carefully planned. Teachers should consider the type of students they have, along with their levels, attitudes, and abilities.
    3. "Once you have the specific questions, format, and instructions for a formative assessment tool that will serve your intended purpose, anticipate what students should learn from their own responses to the tool." We need to know our students. Expect all sorts of responses. Expect not oly what they can learn but how they can learn it.
    4. Again, careful planning for the use of intentional tools during instruction is always necessary. Students should also be able to help in finding solutions to how they can improve when seeing their own responses.
