Monday, April 25, 2011

Formative Assessment (pages 7-10)

Read p. 7-10 in Formative Assessment Strategies for Every Classroom


  1. What are the key ideas?
  2. What 3 things do you want to take away from this section and use in the future?
  3. What was a powerful quote from the section?  Why?
  4. What are the implications for teaching and learning?  What do these ideas suggest for our teaching practices
Respond to each other.


  1. Key Ideas:
    1. focus on learning goals
    2. take stock of where current work is in relation to the goal
    3. take action to move closer to the goal

    3 Things to Use:
    1. Formative feedback should be informational
    2. Teach students to reflect and self-assess
    3. Teach students how to think critically

    "The formative assessment process is ultimately a communication process between teachers and students." This quote is powerful because it connects to the essence of education. A formative assessment is an end evaluation to help teachers and students determine how well they processed the content. If there is a breakdown during the unit in delivery or processing of the content, the students will not perform well on the formative assessment.

    There should be more interaction between teachers and students, students and their peers, and students and themselves. From grade school to graduation, VCS needs to focus on developing content knowledge and advanced thinking skills. Teachers need to teach students how to be critics (without being critical) in order to improve their work.

  2. Key Ideas:
    In order for students to improve, they need a solid example and feedback so that they can recognize their strengths and weaknesses.

    3 things to take away/use:
    1. Formative assessment is a communication process.
    2. Rubrics are helpful.
    3. Criticism should not be disparaging.

    Powerful Quote and why?
    "Teachers' formative feedback to students should be informational, not judgemental."
    Feedback is often critical, expecting the students to correct their work without having suggestions or knowing what is expected, and why their work was wrong. Specific feedback that is informational will be more beneficial to the learning process.

    Using formative assessment properly should decrease the gap in student performance. With proper feedback, students should be able to see their goals realized and therefore feel empowered and confident in their work.

  3. Key Ideas:
    1. Formative assessment should be clear communication between students and teachers.
    2. Teachers and students both have to DO something for it to be effective.
    3. Feedback is key to student success. Student self-evaluation is key to knowing where to go next in the curriculum (i.e., move on to next concept or reteach current/previous concept).

    3 Things to take away:
    1. I want to be able to make my classroom a "safe" atmosphere for my students so that they don't just criticize each other but rather they make suggestions to each other for improvement.
    2. I want to work on giving good, clear feedback to my students and be specific on what they need to work on, not just give them a grade.
    3. I want to make clear the learning target so that students know the standard for good work.

    "Teachers formative feedback to students should be informational, not judgmental."
    I think this is a powerful quote because I think students feel as though they're being judged and criticized by teachers rather than teachers trying to help students and assessment. I've heard students take assessment personally rather than looking at their grade as something to help make them better. But, many times teachers don't inform students on the items they answered incorrectly; they just mark a grade and move on.

    Up front in the beginning students need to be shown by the teacher what good, strong work is. We as teachers must be clear to students about what the learning target is and what our expectations are for them. Students must then produce their work to meet that learning target and then compare that work with the expected target given by the teacher. Lastly, we as teachers must be specific in our feedback so that students know exactly what they are strong in/weak in so they can know exactly what they need to work on/practice and improve on.

  4. 1. Studetns need to understand where they are trying to get in the class. Work needs to be produced so that comparisons can be made between what should be learned and what has been learned. Strengths and weaknesses should be observed to help in adjusting plans to allow for reteaching and/or enrichment and acceleration. Feedback should be clear enough that student know what they can do to improve.
    2. Better communication is required between teacher/student and student/student. Teachers and students should be able to communicate expectations and academic issues to form a community of learning. Criticism needs to be a helpful tool that gives students the opportunity to improve their learning. Students and teachers alike should take great care in how they relate their expectations and students' short-comings to allow for growth, not discouragement. Students should be able to see how they are closing their gaps between what they are missing from goal mastery. They should also be given the opportunity to improve before the next goal begins.
    3. "The formative assessment process is ultimately a communication process between teachers and students." (page 7) Formative assessments should communicate to teachers what their students still need to focus on. It communicates to teachers whether it is time to move on or not, whether the students have mastered the goal or not. It should communicate what the students have learned in relation to the goal. Formative assessments should communicate to students what the goal is they are attempting to master and how to achieve that goal. It should also communicate teacher expectations and feedback on how to improve. All this communication makes for a more productive body full of satisfied responsible students and encouraging educating facilitators.
    4. More time will be needed while 'grading' hard-copy formative assessments so that proper feedback can be provided. Teachers should be clear about how standards were met or not met and how improvement can take place. More time will need to be spent at the beginning of the semester/year so students can be prepared for one another's criticism (communication). This will be a very specific procedure that students will need to learn. Teachers will need to have this carefully thought out with consequences ready for those not ready for the responsibility.

  5. What are the key ideas?
    - Formative assessment is used by BOTH student and teacher.
    - It focues on learning goals, assessment of current status in relation to that goal, and outlines specific actions to move closer toward achievement of that goal.
    - FA is a communication process between teacher and student.
    What 3 things do you want to take away from this section and use in the future?
    - Involvement of student in process
    - Heightened focus on learning goal
    - Comparison of student performance with learning target
    What was a powerful quote from the section? Why? "Students should be able to see their work getting closer to the goal ..." B/C that is the crucial process of learning
    What are the implications for teaching and learning?
    - closing the gap between failure and success
    What do these ideas suggest for our teaching practices?
    - the cheese is still moving
    - relating to and KNOWING students is essential
    - There is no such thing as being able to say "I covered it; they should know it."
